It feels like such a victory! Lol...I know that sounds silly because I'm not really that far along but the days seem to be crrrraaaaawwwwllling by with such bad morning sickness. It seems a lot worse than with Jace this time but I think that is only because this time I have a two yr old to chase around! And yet I can't believe that in another 8 or 9 weeks we will know whether we are having a baby girl or baby boy! It's all worth it though and I am so so very glad God has blessed us with a second little miracle. Normally I worry so much about...everything! I have come across so many stories though of mothers who have lost thier little ones and while I believe with a FULL heart that this little one will be born perfectly healthy I want to treasure every moment I have with him/her. As sick as I am I feel like it is the greatest blessing ever to carry my children. There are so many who can't. I feel so completley happy that I can. Everyone is asking whether I want a little boy or girl and even though I am longing for a little girl, I would also be so completely estatic if this were to be a boy. I know that God has a prefect plan for our lives and that he is already creating this totally unique little human inside me that is being created just for us to love.
And our Jaceman is turning TWO in two days! I cannot believe it. TWO years since my baby came into this world. I love him so much. Mark and I look at him everyday and we can't believe he's ours. He's growing so big and doing so many things, he just amazes me. I still get lost in his baby blues and I treasure every moment I have spent with him. I don't regret for one single second being a stay at home mom. I don't feel like I have lost my dreams. My children are my greatest dream, my greatest hope is for them to grow up happy healthy LOVED and to know Jesus. If I can accomplish that in this life then I will consider myself VERY successful. Of course there are days when I feel stretched and challenged, and I have so many people saying we need more alone time...while I understand that I also understand my baby is not going to be a baby forever....he has already grown so much. We of course take the occasional break to keep from going crazy, but other than that we love being with him. He is wild, crazy and ALL boy ALL the time but I would'nt change him for the whole world.
I know this was a short blog but just wanted to chat a little about our kiddos! Hopefully I'll actually get this blog addy out so everyone can see it that cares to know! Lol...
1 comment:
I have nothing but wonderful things to say about Dr. Ehmer. We were referred to him by a friend when we first moved here and from our first meeting I felt extremely comfortable. In addition to being named one of Dallas' top docs on numerous occasions he is a warm Christian man who always gently reminds me who is in control when I start to worry (It's my first baby so I worry pretty frequently!)If you have any more specific questions about him, I'd love to offer any information I can. Good luck with your little blessing!
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